Sun. Oct 27th, 2024

How to Treat Influenza and Colds Quickly

Influenza and the common cold can infect people quickly and suddenly. This often occurs when the immune system decreases, lack of sleep, irregular eating hours, consumption of less nutritious foods, and inadequate water consumption.


Because there is no cure for the flu, the way to treat colds and flu quickly and easily is to boost your immune system so that it can fight viruses and relieve symptoms of colds and flu that make you uncomfortable.

Powerful tips for treating flu and colds are:

1. Treat Influenza with Lemon and honey

Have a sore throat, hoarse voice and go away when you have a cold, take a glass of hot water and add a slice of lemon and two tablespoons of honey and drink it while it’s hot. Before going to bed, suck on candy containing lozenges (in Indonesia, for example Streptills or Woods candy) to soothe a sore throat.

2. Get enough rest to treat Influenza

Many people are too busy working or doing other activities that they forget to take time to rest and stay up late every night even though they have to work the next morning. But when the body catches the flu and experiences symptoms such as sore throat, fever and runny nose – then one of the effective ways to treat the flu is to take long breaks (sleep) so it doesn’t get worse and gets better quickly.

If possible, ask for permission not to come to work or school, but if you can’t then avoid tiring activities and make the body as relaxed as possible to reduce the pain caused by the flu.

3. Drink lots of water

This easy way to treat flu & colds but is often underestimated actually has really effective properties. By drinking lots of water, the body has ammunition to fight some severe flu symptoms such as sore throat, headache, fever (hot cold) or stuffy nose.

However, if your throat hurts when you drink a lot of water, try to trick it by adding a mixture of lime juice (you can also replace it with lemon, whose function is to relieve nasal congestion and relieve flatulence).

4. Gargle with salt water

How to cure it can be by gargling salt water so it doesn’t hurt too much. Salt water is very effective against phlegm because it can draw excess fluid from the inflamed tissue in the throat.

Another function is to thin mucus, removing irritants such as allergens, bacteria, and fungi from the throat. So gargle using water + a spoonful of salt in a medium-sized glass for a few seconds.

4. Treat the flu by eating chicken soup

The traditional way to get well soon flu that encourages someone to eat chicken soup is not just a myth. The benefits of eating chicken soup are to make you feel comfortable and prevent the spread of neutrophils into the respiratory tract. (Neutrophils are white blood cells that can cause fever inflammation.)

Another benefit of chicken soup is that it inhibits mucus production, warms around the nasal cavity which can reduce symptoms of flu and colds, relieves the nose when breathing and warms body temperature.

Tips to prevent flu & colds are always adequate rest, eat regularly, get enough sleep, and drink enough water. In addition, to increase immunity you can also take supplements such as iron and vitamin C.

By lexutor

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